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Elevated Metaphysical

Prehnite w/ Epidote and Rutile Tower Druzy Point

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$55.00 USD
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$55.00 USD
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A crystal tower generates amplified energy of other crystals or of itself. Towers represent protection, strength and power. The shape of a crystal tower naturally cleanses the space around it and fends off negative energy. Healing crystal towers also support the movement inward, allowing for reflection and study.

Known as the Stone of Prophecy, Prehnite is used by South African indigenous shamans. Prehnite boosts prophetic abilities, and is a good stone to use when working with tarot or crystal balls. Prehnite enhances visualization and spiritual "knowing," and aids in connecting with higher realms. Lucid dreaming is induced by Prehnite, while dreams are made easier to remember and nightmares are reduced.

Epidote will enhance the energy of whatever it touches, including other stones. Epidote increases perception and interaction with spiritual beings, and brings spiritual growth.

Epidote is a great stone for releasing negativity and raising one's vibrational energy. It is helpful for those stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking pattern. Epidote can inject a sense of hopeful optimism into one's emotional body, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration.

Rutile, also called “Angel Hair”, is a Titanium ore. It forms in lustrous needle-like inclusions and, as such, can pinpoint the root of a problem or disease, helping with decision making.

Rutile strengthens the aura and can stabilize relationship.  It gives insight into past emotional trauma during astral travel and is also beneficial during dream recall and meditation. Rutile can enhance clairsentience, further enabling the use of one’s intuition.

Chakra: Heart (primary), Crown (secondary), Third Eye (secondary)

Size: Vary but range from 80-180 grams and 75-95mm.

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